Mother and Calf! |
It was time for us to make one more visit to Gavi-a magnificent typical Western Ghat region in the Periyar Tiger Reserve.Gavi is a highly protected area and one need to obtain permission to make a visit there.We took all the necessary passes and started our journet towards Gavi one fine morning.
One Horned Tusker! |
First we reached the Angamoozhy forest office and showed our online permits for 2 cars Then we proceeded towards the entry gate whicg is located about 3 kms from the forest office.It took a few minutes for us to get everything cleared.In the meanwhile 2 Malabar Giant Squirrels made their presence on a tree near the entry gate.That was the first sighting of a wild animal this visit!
Then we started our journey towards Gavi.Gavi is about 54 kms from Angamoozhy.We have to pass above the Moozhiyar dam and further up can see the pen stock pipes.The scene is very beautiful with mountains and tall trees which are interspersed with grasslands.
We packed our lunch and consumed it on the way.We crossed the Kakki dam and the friendly Forest officer there asked us "Did you see an Elephant?".Our answer was no and the officer showed us a one horned Tusker which was standing on the other side of the dam.We moved closer and observed the Elephant for some time.Thanks to the officer,orgerwise we would have missed the Tusker.
Clear view of the one Horn! |
Good progress,I thought in my mind.Then we saw a friendly wild boar.It stood very close to the car and was expecting some food.But we did not feed it.We have seen this pig a long time ago in the same friendly demeanour.The guard at Kakki dam said it was brought from Sabarimala and released here.But how it became so friendly,there wa no answer!
We crossed into Periyar Tiger Reserve and reached Gavi.It was very hot and we stopped at a good vantage point and waited for the sun to drop its intensity.
Intense stare...Gaurs! |
Then we moved and we were moving into pristine forest with lot of Elephants and Gaurs.First we saw a herd of Gaurs who were grazing peacefully on a slope.We moved on and the Elephant show began in right earnest.
First we saw only 2 Elephants.Then we realised it was a herd of more than 10 Elephants.They were standing on a hill slope just oppsite the road and there was a river flowing in between.It was a fantastic spot for us to observe these wild animals.
Playful Baby! |
There were 2 baby Elephants and one of them was very tiny!The adult Elephants were very protective of the young ones.They all moved towards the right and we followed.
The Herd moves on! |
Thinking! |
Slopes doesn't matter! |
Momentary pause!
Count them! |
Elephant March Past! |
Young with Tiny Elephant! |
Plenty to eat! |
Iam Alone! |
Facing one another! |
Acrobatic! |
Scary Look! |
Group dynamics! |
It was a magnificent sight to see the pachyderms feed on the juicy grass and roam around freely in the jungle.After sometime they disappeared from view.
We moved on and reached Kuttikkanm where we had planned our overnight saty.